Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

18.12.2024 13:06
Українські Козаки Arena
1’ Українські Козаки 1780 started from the center of the field
8’ Вильфрид Бони passes the defense like training dummies and pushes the ball into the goal! GOOOOL!
11’ The opponent stopped a dangerous attack, as a result of which the ball ended up out of bounds, but Эннер Валенсия clearly threw the ball into play
13’ The player's pass didn't work, something isn't going well for Українські Козаки 1780 playing in the middle of the field today
22’ Эннер Валенсия sent the corner right onto his player's head!
25’ The referee calls a penalty. Неманья Видич takes a penalty! Hit! Goal!!!
26’ It could have been dangerous, but if Робин Ван Перси hadn't made a nice tackle
33’ Having thwarted the opponent's counterattack, Еммануель Адебайор intercepted the ball and made an accurate pass to his closest player
36’ The striker is clearly offside, Самюэль Этоо will clear the ball
45’ Well, it's a break and the players are still gaining strength
46’ Українські Козаки 1780 calmly controls the ball in the middle of the field
56’ Деян Станкович fouled only 25 meters from his goal
60’ Артуро Видаль runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet!
63’ Оскар Эступиньян made a long and accurate pass to his player. Well done Українські Козаки 1780 players! Coherence in actions is visible!
66’ Чомоев Султан easily intercepts cross-border transmissions
74’ Чомоев Султан demonstrates superior goalkeeping technique
77’ Артуро Видаль passes another opponent and makes an amazing pass! How beautiful! Well done!
87’ Thanks to the coordinated play of the team, Юнес Беланда gets the ball
95’ Well, that's all, friends. The match is over!
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