Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

18.12.2024 06:24
Сборная Аргентины Arena
1’ Сборная Аргентины 1451 started from the center of the field
2’ A dangerous free kick and Неманья Видич easily throws the ball over the wall and the ball flies into the nine!
9’ Еммануель Адебайор gave a strong and accurate pass and the team confidently launched a counterattack!
16’ Деян Станкович hit the opponent's legs from behind with a straight leg
20’ After a cross shot on goal, Самюэль Этоо ricochets off a defender and unexpectedly scores the ball! Gooool!
22’ And with the ball Виктор ван Меер after a perfect tackle
24’ Famous player Дэйсьюк Нодзава makes a successful shot on goal! GO-O-O-OL!!!
31’ The attack is coming down the right flank, but it is not allowed to develop by Куртис Иган
39’ Great out and Джон Оби Микел will throw the ball in
43’ Хосе Луис Чилаверт heads the ball
45’ Break! The referee leaves the field as the stands whistle!
49’ Гавриил Маев made an accurate through ball, good passing game!
59’ Эйодел Мвине plays correctly on output
66’ Great out and Антоний Миотти will throw the ball in
74’ Антоний Миотти runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet!
77’ The player's pass didn't work, something isn't going well for Сборная Аргентины 1451 playing in the middle of the field today
87’ Thanks to the coordinated play of the team, Куртис Иган gets the ball
95’ The match has come to an end! See you!
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