Match broadcast
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National Championship

16.12.2024 20:45
1’ LION LVIV 871 started from the center of the field
10’ Wow, what a moment it could have been, but Сельвио Маттиоли couldn't make the right pass to his partner!
12’ A dangerous free kick and Сельвио Маттиоли easily throws the ball over the wall and the ball flies into the nine!
15’ Фабио Мигуэлито easily intercepts cross-border transmissions
17’ Мизи Цингер passes another opponent and makes an amazing pass! How beautiful! Well done!
23’ Wow! Хуан Пиччинини passed the ball right to his opponent's feet!
25’ He took the ball, went on the attack himself and he did it well, with the ball Марко Ричутти
34’ Жилберту Мигель Феррейру hit his opponent in the legs with all his heart, and the referee decided to only verbally scold him for being rude
41’ Фабио Мигуэлито successfully crossed into the opponent's penalty area!
45’ The first match is over and here's a break for the fun part
49’ Strike! Ricochet! The goalkeeper almost reached this difficult ball with his fingers!
55’ The referee has declared an offside position, the ball will be thrown in by Сельвио Маттиоли
57’ After a terrible mistake by the defender, Мизи Цингер effortlessly dribbles past the goalkeeper and scores the ball into the empty net!
65’ After winning the ball, Хуан Пиччинини made a beautiful backheel pass to his player
69’ Сигизмунд Мухин passes the defense like training dummies and pushes the ball into the goal! GOOOOL!
75’ Сельвио Маттиоли threw an out right into the center of the opponent's penalty area
75’ G-O-O-O-L! Shot from 30 meters Жилберту Мигель Феррейру scores a stunning ball into the goal!
81’ After passing the flank, Ермил Щукарев made an accurate pass to the opposite flank
88’ Арманду Тозу passes another opponent and makes an amazing pass! How beautiful! Well done!
95’ The match has come to an end! See you!
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