Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

13.12.2024 16:17
Сборная Италия Arena
1’ Сборная Италия 1588 started from the center of the field
2’ A dangerous free kick and Антонио Ди Натале easily throws the ball over the wall and the ball flies into the nine!
11’ The player's pass didn't work, something isn't going well for Сборная Аргентины 1436 playing in the middle of the field today
19’ And with the ball Артуро Видаль after a perfect tackle
28’ Робин Ван Перси runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet!
34’ Джордж Веа gave a strong and accurate pass and the team confidently launched a counterattack!
35’ What a pass and Джон Оби Микел puts the ball between the goalie's legs! Wonderful GOOL!
35’ Даниеле Де Росси foiled a dangerous attack and received a yellow card for this
37’ Еммануель Адебайор sent the corner right onto his player's head!
44’ Массимо Амброзини passes another opponent and makes an amazing pass! How beautiful! Well done!
45’ Break! The referee leaves the field as the stands whistle!
46’ Джорджо Кьеллини foiled a dangerous attack and received a yellow card for this
46’ After a defender's mistake, the ball goes over the line. Out threw Джордж Веа
53’ Джанлуиджи Буффон pulls a very difficult hit
58’ Мартин Шкртел passes the defense like training dummies and pushes the ball into the goal! GOOOOL!
59’ He took the ball, went on the attack himself and he did it well, with the ball Джон Оби Микел
62’ Антонио Ди Натале got the ball, but suddenly lost it!
65’ Самюэль Этоо sent the corner right onto his player's head!
75’ Eh, Джордж Веа... You can't give the ball to your opponent like that, another loss
82’ After a terrible mistake by the opponent with the ball Артуро Видаль
86’ Before the opponents had time to receive the ball, the ball ended up in the hands of the opposing team again, helped by Стефан ель Шарави
95’ Well, that's all, friends. The match is over!
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