![](/images/match/m_twist_one.gif) |
1’ |
Унион Берлин 838 played the ball from the center of the field |
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7’ |
And again the ball is lost in the center of the field. Тедди Аллисон passed to nowhere! |
![](/images/match/m_good.gif) |
11’ |
Олаф Шавлоков sent the corner right onto his player's head! |
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19’ |
Джикони Ифа fouls outside his own penalty area, a dangerous set piece for the opposing team |
![](/images/match/m_fol.gif) |
27’ |
Таймас Темирбулатовы violated the rules, but the referee seemed to be blind at that moment |
![](/images/match/m_good.gif) |
29’ |
After winning the ball, Хелль Кристофферсен made a beautiful backheel pass to his player |
![](/images/match/m_warning.gif) |
37’ |
Вольфганг Шольц was unable to pass! Obvious technical defect |
![](/images/match/m_finish_one.gif) |
45’ |
The first match is over and here's a break for the fun part |
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46’ |
In a tackle, the opponent knocked the ball out of bounds. Throws in Боб Бэдэм... |
![](/images/match/m_ugol.gif) |
49’ |
The opponent stopped a dangerous attack, as a result of which the ball ended up out of bounds, but Player removed clearly threw the ball into play |
![](/images/match/m_warning.gif) |
52’ |
Олаф Шавлоков deftly takes the ball |
![](/images/match/m_goal.gif) |
58’ |
BLOW! GOOOOL! Таймас Темирбулатовы scores a GOAL with a strong shot off the crossbar! |
![](/images/match/m_goal.gif) |
58’ |
Гюри Келети passes the defense like training dummies and pushes the ball into the goal! GOOOOL! |
![](/images/match/m_fol.gif) |
62’ |
Player removed violated the rules about forty meters from his goal |
![](/images/match/m_fol.gif) |
64’ |
Гюри Келети fouled only 25 meters from his goal |
![](/images/match/m_good.gif) |
74’ |
Джикони Ифа made an accurate through ball, good passing game! |
![](/images/match/m_travma.gif) |
78’ |
While trying to pass an opponent, Player removed twisted his ankle. The doctors are doing some magic... |
![](/images/match/m_warning.gif) |
80’ |
The goalkeeper takes the ball into his hands almost from under the attacker's feet! |
![](/images/match/m_good.gif) |
87’ |
Once again, Мэзэру Окада made the most beautiful pass to his teammate! |
![](/images/match/m_finish_two.gif) |
95’ |
Well, that's all, friends. The match is over! |