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Cup Tournament

11.12.2024 05:58
1’ ЕСИЛЬ БОГАТЫРЬ 1105 started from the center of the field
6’ Джо Харт heads the ball
8’ Жоаозиньо made a long and accurate pass to his player. Well done ЕСИЛЬ БОГАТЫРЬ 1105 players! Coherence in actions is visible!
10’ Wow! Фабио Мигуэлито passed the ball right to his opponent's feet!
14’ The referee has declared an offside position, the ball will be thrown in by Джордан Хендерсон
16’ The striker is clearly offside, Франк Джа Джедже will clear the ball
18’ In a rough tackle, Джордан Хендерсон knocks down the opponent!
23’ Once again, Умут Давала made the most beautiful pass to his teammate!
26’ Excellent pass from Алехандро Эдеро Лоуренцо, apparently one of the best players on LION LVIV 871
34’ Томаш Нецид was unable to pass! Obvious technical defect
37’ Famous player Умут Давала makes a successful shot on goal! GO-O-O-OL!!!
38’ Yeah... Осримен Эбагуа was unable to receive a pass from his partner...
42’ When taking a corner kick, Умут Давала unexpectedly and beautifully scores a GOAL!
45’ Break! The referee leaves the field as the stands whistle!
46’ The ball is out of bounds, Лукас Зульцбахер will put it into play
56’ Yeah... Джордан Хендерсон was unable to receive a pass from his partner...
62’ After insulting an opponent, Роланд Хоффмайстер brazenly pushes him!
71’ Мизи Цингер did a good job defensively and took the ball
73’ What a pass and Томаш Нецид puts the ball between the goalie's legs! Wonderful GOOL!
78’ After a subtle pass, Арманду Тозу takes the ball
84’ Obviously the rivals did not understand each other and Арманду Тозу immediately caught up
85’ What a pass and Томаш Нецид puts the ball between the goalie's legs! Wonderful GOOL!
89’ Томаш Нецид gave a strong and accurate pass and the team confidently launched a counterattack!
95’ Match is over
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