Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

10.12.2024 21:23
Спортинг Arena
1’ Спортинг 1084 started from the center of the field
11’ The referee shows offside. Plays the ball Фабио Мигуэлито
15’ After a light shot by Бобби Мур on goal from about 20 meters away, the opposing goalkeeper misses the shameful ball between his legs! GO-O-O-OL!
21’ Федериго Россо runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet!
31’ It could have been dangerous, but if Ермил Щукарев hadn't made a nice tackle
34’ A dangerous free kick and Арманду Тозу easily throws the ball over the wall and the ball flies into the nine!
38’ Excellent pass from Player removed, apparently one of the best players on Спортинг 1084
45’ The first match is over and here's a break for the fun part
46’ Ермил Щукарев runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet!
52’ After some inexplicable actions of the opponents, Арманду Тозу turned out to be the quickest of all
55’ Fighting for the ball in the air and Алехандро Эдеро Лоуренцо literally landing on your opponent's back!
58’ The player makes a through pass and Player removed scores a beautiful GOAL in the corner farthest from himself!!!
60’ And with the ball Арманду Тозу after a perfect tackle
70’ Арманду Тозу kicked the ball into the center of the field from almost an empty goal! Wow!
76’ An opposing player makes an inaccurate pass and Player removed takes the ball
83’ Player removed violated the rules, but the referee seemed to be blind at that moment
91’ Once again the defenders allowed a shot, but the shot failed, and the ball missed the cherished goal in this episode
95’ Match is over
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