Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

09.12.2024 03:47
Сборная Аргентины Arena
1’ Сборная Аргентины 1407 started from the center of the field
5’ The referee shows offside. Plays the ball Джон Оби Микел
12’ The attack is coming down the right flank, but it is not allowed to develop by Деян Станкович
15’ Марк Шварцер plays correctly on output
21’ The opponent stopped a dangerous attack, as a result of which the ball ended up out of bounds, but Сельвио Раймонди clearly threw the ball into play
31’ Еммануель Адебайор fouled only 25 meters from his goal
33’ Джордж Веа violated the rules about forty meters from his goal
41’ Wow! Джон Оби Микел passed the ball right to his opponent's feet!
45’ Well, it's a break and the players are still gaining strength
48’ The ball has gone out of line and will be thrown in by Джон Оби Микел
56’ Сборная Аргентины 1407 is trying to attack on the left flank and they are doing a good job!
60’ After a cross shot on goal, Джордж Веа ricochets off a defender and unexpectedly scores the ball! Gooool!
62’ The referee shows offside. Plays the ball Джордж Веа
66’ After a defender's mistake, the ball goes over the line. Out threw Руй Кошта
70’ When taking a corner kick, Артуро Видаль unexpectedly and beautifully scores a GOAL!
71’ What is the POTOP 1499 player, a habitual rule breaker, doing! But remains unnoticed
80’ In a rough tackle, Джордж Веа knocks down the opponent!
87’ Барт Рамселар runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet!
95’ Well, that's all, friends. The match is over!
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