Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

03.12.2024 18:09
Балтика Arena
1’ Балтика 1847 started from the center of the field
4’ A dangerous free kick and Тимофей Калачев easily throws the ball over the wall and the ball flies into the nine!
4’ A terrible and inaccurate pass from Федор Смолов to his player who was only a few meters away!
11’ The referee shows offside. Plays the ball Федор Смолов
19’ Thanks to the coordinated play of the team, Бенжамен Павар gets the ball
23’ The referee calls a penalty. Такэфуса Кубо takes a penalty! Hit! Goal!!!
24’ BLOW! GOOOOL! Тимофей Калачев scores a GOAL with a strong shot off the crossbar!
29’ And again the ball is lost in the center of the field. Касым Токаев passed to nowhere!
32’ Ринат Дасаев is impenetrable. The goalkeeper looks good today, but the attacking players are not doing well
35’ Тимофей Калачев definitely headed the ball to his teammate!
38’ Федор Смолов runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet!
42’ This might not be a bad attack, it was started by Федор Смолов
45’ Here comes the break. The players are clearly tired
50’ The striker is clearly offside, Адемола Лукман will clear the ball
52’ Having thwarted the opponent's counterattack, Софьян Амрабат intercepted the ball and made an accurate pass to his closest player
56’ What a pass and Эсекьель Гарай puts the ball between the goalie's legs! Wonderful GOOL!
59’ Бенжамен Павар violated the rules about forty meters from his goal
61’ A player from team Балтика 1847 played with his hand, and then started arguing with the referee. Роман Бегунов receives a warning
69’ Касым Токаев foiled a dangerous attack and received a yellow card for this
69’ The goalkeeper gets the ball while falling! This is the situation!
75’ Фелипе Родригес hit the opponent's legs from behind with a straight leg
78’ After winning the ball, Эденилсон made a beautiful backheel pass to his player
80’ A terrible and inaccurate pass from Хосабед Санчес to his player who was only a few meters away!
84’ Ринат Дасаев heads the ball
93’ Александр Рязанцев hit the opponent's legs from behind with a straight leg
95’ The match has come to an end! See you!
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