Match broadcast
1’ | Балтика 1847 started from the center of the field | |
4’ | A dangerous free kick and Тимофей Калачев easily throws the ball over the wall and the ball flies into the nine! | |
4’ | A terrible and inaccurate pass from Федор Смолов to his player who was only a few meters away! | |
11’ | The referee shows offside. Plays the ball Федор Смолов | |
19’ | Thanks to the coordinated play of the team, Бенжамен Павар gets the ball | |
23’ | The referee calls a penalty. Такэфуса Кубо takes a penalty! Hit! Goal!!! | |
24’ | BLOW! GOOOOL! Тимофей Калачев scores a GOAL with a strong shot off the crossbar! | |
29’ | And again the ball is lost in the center of the field. Касым Токаев passed to nowhere! | |
32’ | Ринат Дасаев is impenetrable. The goalkeeper looks good today, but the attacking players are not doing well | |
35’ | Тимофей Калачев definitely headed the ball to his teammate! | |
38’ | Федор Смолов runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet! | |
42’ | This might not be a bad attack, it was started by Федор Смолов | |
45’ | Here comes the break. The players are clearly tired | |
50’ | The striker is clearly offside, Адемола Лукман will clear the ball | |
52’ | Having thwarted the opponent's counterattack, Софьян Амрабат intercepted the ball and made an accurate pass to his closest player | |
56’ | What a pass and Эсекьель Гарай puts the ball between the goalie's legs! Wonderful GOOL! | |
59’ | Бенжамен Павар violated the rules about forty meters from his goal | |
61’ | A player from team Балтика 1847 played with his hand, and then started arguing with the referee. Роман Бегунов receives a warning | |
69’ | Касым Токаев foiled a dangerous attack and received a yellow card for this | |
69’ | The goalkeeper gets the ball while falling! This is the situation! | |
75’ | Фелипе Родригес hit the opponent's legs from behind with a straight leg | |
78’ | After winning the ball, Эденилсон made a beautiful backheel pass to his player | |
80’ | A terrible and inaccurate pass from Хосабед Санчес to his player who was only a few meters away! | |
84’ | Ринат Дасаев heads the ball | |
93’ | Александр Рязанцев hit the opponent's legs from behind with a straight leg | |
95’ | The match has come to an end! See you! |