Match broadcast
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Friendly match

17.10.2024 17:50
1’ ТОРНАДО 1752 started from the center of the field
5’ Игорь Нетто sent the corner right onto his player's head!
7’ In a tackle from behind, a player injures an opponent! Габриэл Магальяэс will not be able to leave the field on his own
7’ Рикардо Граса sent the corner right onto his player's head!
10’ After a terrible mistake by the defender, Габриэль effortlessly dribbles past the goalkeeper and scores the ball into the empty net!
12’ Габриэль did a good job defensively and took the ball
14’ Лейн Юз fouled only 25 meters from his goal
16’ Асклепиадес Спиру violated the rules, but the referee seemed to be blind at that moment
24’ And again the ball is lost in the center of the field. Омар Барретт passed to nowhere!
25’ After a terrible mistake by the defender, Габриэль effortlessly dribbles past the goalkeeper and scores the ball into the empty net!
32’ And again the ball is lost in the center of the field. Омар Барретт passed to nowhere!
35’ Габриэл Магальяэс passes the defense like training dummies and pushes the ball into the goal! GOOOOL!
36’ An opposing player makes an inaccurate pass and Габриэль takes the ball
37’ What a pass and Арсен Захарян puts the ball between the goalie's legs! Wonderful GOOL!
39’ Джемми Маккенна lost the ball, in the end he had to break the rules, disrupting the opponent's attack, for which he received a yellow card
42’ He took the ball, went on the attack himself and he did it well, with the ball Рэкс Бэнкрофт
45’ Here comes the break. The players are clearly tired
46’ BLOW! GOOOOL! Габриэль scores a GOAL with a strong shot off the crossbar!
48’ After an easy pass, Рэкс Бэнкрофт takes the ball
55’ Wow, I threw the ball very far from out Давид Кипиани
57’ Eh, Габриэль... You can't give the ball to your opponent like that, another loss
63’ Арсен Захарян gets hit in the head with a ball. We hope everything will work out...
67’ Рэкс Бэнкрофт was unable to pass! Obvious technical defect
70’ Омар Барретт beautifully beat the opponent, he breaks the rules against the player of team Chelsee 578
73’ The player's pass didn't work, something isn't going well for Chelsee 578 playing in the middle of the field today
81’ Once again the defenders allowed a shot, but the shot failed, and the ball missed the cherished goal in this episode
86’ After passing the flank, Арсен Захарян made an accurate pass to the opposite flank
95’ Match is over
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