Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

16.10.2024 05:01
Quva FC Arena
1’ Quva FC 1492 started from the center of the field
9’ After a defender's mistake, the ball goes over the line. Out threw Деукалайон Ксенакис
18’ Екатерина Севастьянова fouled only 25 meters from his goal
20’ Константин Зырянов pulls a very difficult hit
21’ After a cross shot on goal, Витиньо ricochets off a defender and unexpectedly scores the ball! Gooool!
26’ The opponent stopped a dangerous attack, as a result of which the ball ended up out of bounds, but Витиньо clearly threw the ball into play
28’ Раимофф fouled only 25 meters from his goal
33’ The opponent stopped a dangerous attack, as a result of which the ball ended up out of bounds, but Павел Погребняк clearly threw the ball into play
40’ Cut in the center of the field and the team goes on a counterattack, cross to the point, kick and Павел Погребняк scores the long-awaited goal! GO-O-O-L!
43’ Раимофф tried to shoot at goal but missed the ball!
45’ Well, a little break in the match
52’ Екатерина Севастьянова threw an out right into the center of the opponent's penalty area
59’ The opponent stopped a dangerous attack, as a result of which the ball ended up out of bounds, but Талиска clearly threw the ball into play
69’ Леннерт Нильсен hit his opponent in the legs with all his heart, and the referee decided to only verbally scold him for being rude
74’ Cut in the center of the field and the team goes on a counterattack, cross to the point, kick and Раимофф scores the long-awaited goal! GO-O-O-L!
75’ Павел Погребняк got the ball, but suddenly lost it!
82’ Ball out of bounds, throw in by Сергей Родионов
88’ Hmm... Павел Погребняк... Because of his mistake, the opponent launched a counterattack!
88’ Габриэл Магальяэс passes the defense like training dummies and pushes the ball into the goal! GOOOOL!
95’ The match has come to an end! See you!
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