Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

14.10.2024 04:43
Fc RealMadrid Arena
1’ Fc RealMadrid 1099 played the ball from the center of the field
9’ The ball is out of bounds, Антонен Обер will put it into play
11’ A dangerous free kick and Ренату Саншеш easily throws the ball over the wall and the ball flies into the nine!
16’ Лев Кривошеин kicked the ball into the center of the field from almost an empty goal! Wow!
21’ Лев Кривошеин successfully crossed into the opponent's penalty area!
25’ Ренату Саншеш fouled only 25 meters from his goal
28’ A strong shot on goal, but Владилен Панасюк easily bounced the ball!
35’ Владилен Панасюк has difficulty catching the ball
42’ Хуан Бернат passes the defense like training dummies and pushes the ball into the goal! GOOOOL!
43’ Данил Пруцев runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet!
45’ The first match is over and here's a break for the fun part
46’ Wow, I threw the ball very far from out Лев Кривошеин
51’ What is the spartak moskva 794 player, a habitual rule breaker, doing! But remains unnoticed
54’ After a terrible mistake by the defender, Яго Аспас effortlessly dribbles past the goalkeeper and scores the ball into the empty net!
56’ Once again, Антонен Обер made the most beautiful pass to his teammate!
65’ After insulting an opponent, Данил Пруцев brazenly pushes him!
71’ Душан Влахович hit his opponent in the legs with all his heart, and the referee decided to only verbally scold him for being rude
73’ The player's pass didn't work, something isn't going well for Fc RealMadrid 1099 playing in the middle of the field today
76’ After a cross shot on goal, Данило ricochets off a defender and unexpectedly scores the ball! Gooool!
78’ Войтек Ковальский threw an out right into the center of the opponent's penalty area
86’ Владилен Панасюк plays correctly on output
95’ The match has come to an end! See you!
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