Match broadcast
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Friendly match

13.10.2024 16:46
Lisichask FC Arena
1’ Lisichask FC 788 started from the center of the field
10’ Роман Кистенев hit his opponent in the legs with all his heart, and the referee decided to only verbally scold him for being rude
17’ Хэчиро Исида made a good cross! Well done to the players of Lisichask FC 788
20’ After insulting an opponent, Пегазос Канделаки brazenly pushes him!
24’ After a light shot by Драгослав Елачич on goal from about 20 meters away, the opposing goalkeeper misses the shameful ball between his legs! GO-O-O-OL!
27’ The striker is clearly offside, Кэвин Юр will clear the ball
31’ BLOW! GOOOOL! Райан Херст scores a GOAL with a strong shot off the crossbar!
33’ Кэвин Юр runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet!
35’ After a long period of possession of the opponent's ball, Омар Барретт did a good job in tackling
42’ Джошуа Бургез heads the ball
45’ Well, a little break in the match
47’ The referee calls a penalty. Асклепиадес Спиру takes a penalty! Hit! Goal!!!
49’ Corner! Shot on goal, but the goalkeeper saves the ball!
58’ And with the ball Тимофей Горенко after a perfect tackle
63’ Хэчиро Исида foiled a dangerous attack and received a yellow card for this
68’ Майкл Гисборн was unable to pass! Obvious technical defect
72’ What a beautiful save by the goalkeeper
81’ Corner! Shot on goal, but the goalkeeper saves the ball!
87’ Джошуа Бургез pulls a very difficult hit
95’ The match has come to an end! See you!
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