Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

10.10.2024 22:18
Quva FC Arena
1’ Quva FC 1495 played the ball from the center of the field
6’ Леннерт Нильсен deftly takes the ball
11’ Сборная Колумбии 1437 is trying to attack on the left flank and they are doing a good job!
17’ Леннерт Нильсен hit the opponent's legs from behind with a straight leg
25’ Wow, what a moment it could have been, but Карлос Бакка couldn't make the right pass to his partner!
32’ The opponent stopped a dangerous attack, as a result of which the ball ended up out of bounds, but Дуван Сапата clearly threw the ball into play
42’ It could have been dangerous, but if Раимофф hadn't made a nice tackle
42’ Андриджа Матич foiled a dangerous attack and received a yellow card for this
45’ Break! The referee leaves the field as the stands whistle!
51’ Лукман Аруна made his opponent pretty nervous, and then gave a jewelry pass!
56’ Фредди Гуарин definitely headed the ball to his teammate!
65’ A cross into the penalty area, but goalkeeper Михэйло Вучинич skillfully collects the ball!
71’ A player from team Quva FC 1495 played with his hand, and then started arguing with the referee. Лукман Аруна receives a warning
71’ Wow, what a moment it could have been, but Дуван Сапата couldn't make the right pass to his partner!
77’ After a subtle pass, Андриджа Матич takes the ball
84’ The ball has gone out of line and will be thrown in by Карлос Бакка
86’ Excellent pass from Хуан Куадрадо, apparently one of the best players on Сборная Колумбии 1437
95’ The match has come to an end! See you!
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