Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

08.10.2024 22:57
1’ ВЕРДЕР 1848 played the ball from the center of the field
7’ The referee has declared an offside position, the ball will be thrown in by Рани Хедира
10’ After a light shot by Андреас Бек on goal from about 20 meters away, the opposing goalkeeper misses the shameful ball between his legs! GO-O-O-OL!
17’ ВЕРДЕР 1848 calmly controls the ball in the middle of the field
19’ Флориан Нойхаус violated the rules, but the referee seemed to be blind at that moment
22’ Педро Уго Аморим beautifully beat the opponent, he breaks the rules against the player of team Quva FC 1495
28’ Рани Хедира takes the ball again
31’ Томас Метцнер is in place, such a ball will not be difficult for him
33’ G-O-O-O-L! Shot from 30 meters Йенс Леманн scores a stunning ball into the goal!
35’ Педро Уго Аморим successfully crossed into the opponent's penalty area!
41’ After a long period of possession of the opponent's ball, Йенс Леманн did a good job in tackling
45’ Well, a little break in the match
45’ The opponent stopped a dangerous attack, as a result of which the ball ended up out of bounds, but Андре Хан clearly threw the ball into play
49’ Флориан Нойхаус runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet!
57’ Рани Хедира threw an out right into the center of the opponent's penalty area
63’ GO-O-O-O-O-O-OL!!! At the hands of the opposing goalkeeper, Андре Хан easily drives the ball into the goal net!
66’ Yeah... Player removed was unable to receive a pass from his partner...
70’ Player removed is in place, such a ball will not be difficult for him
76’ The opponent passes, but Юлиан Вайгль intercepts the ball and takes it well into the center of the field
80’ G-O-O-O-L! Shot from 30 meters Педро Уго Аморим scores a stunning ball into the goal!
83’ After some inexplicable actions of the opponents, Йенс Леманн turned out to be the quickest of all
85’ Player removed pulls a very difficult hit
95’ The match has come to an end! See you!
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