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Cup Tournament

08.10.2024 22:08
Fc RealMadrid Arena
1’ Fc RealMadrid 1099 played the ball from the center of the field
7’ The goalkeeper takes the ball into his hands almost from under the attacker's feet!
9’ Кевин Фолланд passes the defense like training dummies and pushes the ball into the goal! GOOOOL!
14’ Кевин Фолланд hit his opponent in the legs with all his heart, and the referee decided to only verbally scold him for being rude
15’ Cut in the center of the field and the team goes on a counterattack, cross to the point, kick and Сезар Рейя scores the long-awaited goal! GO-O-O-L!
20’ Obviously the rivals did not understand each other and Джанлука Симоне immediately caught up
23’ The referee has declared an offside position, the ball will be thrown in by Сезар Рейя
30’ The opponent stopped a dangerous attack, as a result of which the ball ended up out of bounds, but Боджэн Михайлович clearly threw the ball into play
35’ In a rough tackle, Мейсон Маунт knocks down the opponent!
42’ Барна Силард deftly takes the ball
45’ Well, a little break in the match
47’ After an unimpressive selection, Барна Силард began the attack
51’ Wow, I threw the ball very far from out Тетсуя Нагано
51’ G-O-O-O-L! Shot from 30 meters Хуан Бернат scores a stunning ball into the goal!
54’ In a tackle, the opponent knocked the ball out of bounds. Throws in Ренату Саншеш...
61’ And again the ball is lost in the center of the field. Зэдок Кэрол passed to nowhere!
63’ Мейсон Маунт runs into the ball and knocks the goalie off his feet!
66’ Player removed foiled a dangerous attack and received a yellow card for this
67’ What a clumsy pass Тетсуя Нагано made and the opponent took possession of the ball!
70’ Having thwarted the opponent's counterattack, Барна Силард intercepted the ball and made an accurate pass to his closest player
74’ A strong shot on goal, but Нето easily bounced the ball!
78’ Famous player Хуан Бернат makes a successful shot on goal! GO-O-O-OL!!!
79’ Луиш Барбоса hit the opponent's legs from behind with a straight leg
86’ After a cross shot on goal, Данило ricochets off a defender and unexpectedly scores the ball! Gooool!
88’ A terrible and inaccurate pass from Мейсон Маунт to his player who was only a few meters away!
95’ Well, that's all, friends. The match is over!
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