Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

06.10.2024 23:19
Fc RealMadrid Arena
1’ Fc RealMadrid 1099 started from the center of the field
4’ After passing the flank, Кевин Фолланд made an accurate pass to the opposite flank
6’ The referee calls a penalty. Хуан Бернат takes a penalty! Hit! Goal!!!
13’ Френки де Йонг threw an out right into the center of the opponent's penalty area
15’ When taking a corner kick, Хоакин Фернандес unexpectedly and beautifully scores a GOAL!
17’ After winning the ball, Айдар Манафов made a beautiful backheel pass to his player
27’ Once again the defenders allowed a shot, but the shot failed, and the ball missed the cherished goal in this episode
33’ Ирвин Баумгартнер plays correctly on output
38’ Мейсон Маунт violated the rules about forty meters from his goal
40’ Карл Фурнье passes the defense like training dummies and pushes the ball into the goal! GOOOOL!
45’ Кевин Фолланд was unable to pass! Obvious technical defect
45’ Here comes the whistle. Let's rest a little, friends!
47’ Айдар Манафов kicked the ball into the center of the field from almost an empty goal! Wow!
51’ The ball is out of bounds, Кевин Фолланд will put it into play
53’ Франсишку Консейсау hit his opponent in the legs with all his heart, and the referee decided to only verbally scold him for being rude
61’ Excellent pass from Ренату Саншеш, apparently one of the best players on Fc RealMadrid 1099
63’ Wow! Френки де Йонг passed the ball right to his opponent's feet!
70’ In the center of the field, after confusion among the midfielders, the ball was taken by Хуан Бернат
71’ Данило passes the defense like training dummies and pushes the ball into the goal! GOOOOL!
75’ After some inexplicable actions of the opponents, Маркос Хосе Цафра turned out to be the quickest of all
85’ Хоакин Фернандес fouls outside his own penalty area, a dangerous set piece for the opposing team
85’ The referee calls a penalty. Франсишку Консейсау takes a penalty! Hit! Goal!!!
95’ The match has come to an end! See you!
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