Match broadcast
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Friendly match

03.10.2024 23:41
Банда Симона Arena
1’ Банда Симона 1238 played the ball from the center of the field
2’ The referee calls a penalty. Player removed takes a penalty! Hit! Goal!!!
8’ Арсений Бандеренко fouled only 25 meters from his goal
8’ After a cross shot on goal, Руслан Фомин ricochets off a defender and unexpectedly scores the ball! Gooool!
13’ Арсений Бандеренко was unable to pass! Obvious technical defect
16’ The player makes a through pass and Сергей Закарлюка scores a beautiful GOAL in the corner farthest from himself!!!
23’ Player removed gave a strong and accurate pass and the team confidently launched a counterattack!
26’ While trying to pass an opponent, Евгений Шахов twisted his ankle. The doctors are doing some magic...
33’ Левент Кишш made a long and accurate pass to his player. Well done Quva FC 1494 players! Coherence in actions is visible!
34’ Руслан Фомин foiled a dangerous attack and received a yellow card for this
41’ Игорь Шуховцев pulls a very difficult hit
45’ Break! The referee leaves the field as the stands whistle!
47’ Сергей Закарлюка sent the corner right onto his player's head!
50’ After an easy pass, Сергей Щербаков takes the ball
52’ Fighting for the ball in the air and Генадий Орбу literally landing on your opponent's back!
57’ Once again, Player removed made the most beautiful pass to his teammate!
61’ Михэйло Вучинич intercepts the ball easily
69’ Василий Рац fouled only 25 meters from his goal
73’ Игорь Шуховцев plays correctly on output
76’ Excellent pass from Player removed, apparently one of the best players on Quva FC 1494
82’ What a clumsy pass Player removed made and the opponent took possession of the ball!
82’ The player makes a through pass and Пров Зямкин scores a beautiful GOAL in the corner farthest from himself!!!
88’ After a defender's mistake, the ball goes over the line. Out threw Левент Кишш
90’ What a pass and Арсений Бандеренко puts the ball between the goalie's legs! Wonderful GOOL!
95’ The match has come to an end! See you!
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