Match broadcast
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Cup Tournament

28.09.2024 22:12
Quva FC Arena
1’ Quva FC 1492 started from the center of the field
8’ Player removed holds an opponent's shirt in his own penalty area!
8’ Famous player Анастасия Сикорська makes a successful shot on goal! GO-O-O-OL!!!
12’ Анастасия Сикорська gets hit in the head with a ball. We hope everything will work out...
15’ Player removed foiled a dangerous attack and received a yellow card for this
17’ Player removed kicked the ball into the center of the field from almost an empty goal! Wow!
21’ Ловро Цвек fouls outside his own penalty area, a dangerous set piece for the opposing team
25’ After a terrible mistake by the defender, Мурат Уманский effortlessly dribbles past the goalkeeper and scores the ball into the empty net!
31’ Thanks to the coordinated play of the team, Player removed gets the ball
34’ After a long period of possession of the opponent's ball, Player removed did a good job in tackling
36’ Wow, I threw the ball very far from out Рафаель Диас Беллоли
44’ Player removed is in place, such a ball will not be difficult for him
45’ The first match is over and here's a break for the fun part
49’ When taking a corner kick, Абзал Бейсебеков unexpectedly and beautifully scores a GOAL!
54’ The goalkeeper takes the ball into his hands almost from under the attacker's feet!
56’ Yay! Just imagine, Player removed couldn't hit the goal from five meters!
63’ The striker is clearly offside, Никита Баженов will clear the ball
66’ After a cross shot on goal, Player removed ricochets off a defender and unexpectedly scores the ball! Gooool!
68’ A dangerous free kick and Player removed easily throws the ball over the wall and the ball flies into the nine!
69’ Cut in the center of the field and the team goes on a counterattack, cross to the point, kick and Player removed scores the long-awaited goal! GO-O-O-L!
70’ The opponent passes, but Мурат Уманский intercepts the ball and takes it well into the center of the field
73’ Мурат Уманский passes the defense like training dummies and pushes the ball into the goal! GOOOOL!
73’ After a defender's mistake, the ball goes over the line. Out threw Левент Кишш
75’ The player's pass didn't work, something isn't going well for Quva FC 1492 playing in the middle of the field today
79’ After a long period of possession of the opponent's ball, Левент Кишш did a good job in tackling
82’ Wow! Player removed passed the ball right to his opponent's feet!
86’ Левент Кишш gave a strong and accurate pass and the team confidently launched a counterattack!
88’ GO-O-O-O-O-O-OL!!! At the hands of the opposing goalkeeper, Player removed easily drives the ball into the goal net!
95’ The match has come to an end! See you!
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